
Zorro the Chronicles episode 14 The spirit of the sea

Zorro the Chronicles episode 14 The spirit of the sea

We present Zorro the Chronicles episode 14 The spirit of the sea  — plot summary, our subjective review, the episode itself and the list of creators. Don't forget about the next episode! You'll find a link to it at the bottom of the page. Zorro the Chronicles episode 14 The spirit of the sea — plot summary Zorro the Chronicles episode 14 "The spirit of the sea" begins with don Rodrigo overseeing the ship's unloading ...
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Zorro the Chronicles episode 15 Grains of wrath

Zorro the Chronicles episode 15 Grains of wrath

We present Zorro the Chronicles episode 15 Grains of wrath  — plot summary, our subjective review, the episode itself and the list of creators. Don't forget about the next episode! You'll find a link to it at the bottom of the page. Zorro the Chronicles episode 15 Grains of wrath — plot summary Zorro the Chronicles episode 15 "Grains of wrath" introduces new characters: the Verdugo marriage. On her way to Los Angeles, Dona Isabella ...
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Which Zorro was tallest ENG

Which Zorro was the tallest and which was the shortest?

We see a distorted image on the screen, created by the camera operator or makeup artist. Sometimes it happens that the actors playing the main roles are of similar height, and the plot requires that the man should be taller. Have you ever wondered which Zorro was the tallest and which was the shortest? We did research for you 🙂 Which Zorro was the tallest and which was the shortest? Duncan Regehr - 193 cm ...
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zorro przeciw wojnie

Protest przeciwko używaniu znaku Zorro (litery Z) w rosyjskiej propagandzie wojennej

Zorro jest postacią, która bezinteresownie i z narażeniem własnego bezpieczeństwa i życia sprzeciwiała się tyranii narzuconej przez skorumpowane władze oraz broniła słabych i pokrzywdzonych. Jego znak, litera “Z” dawała nadzieję na sprawiedliwość peonom, prostym vaqueros i szlachcie. Mimo że Zorro to postać fikcyjna, jednak istnieje w masowej świadomości. Tak jak 100 lat temu, również współcześnie jest wzorem ideałów, które wielu chce przekazać swoim dzieciom i kolejnym pokoleniom. Od początku wojny na Ukrainie, Rosjanie ...
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Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 1 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 1 Echos of revolution

The storm that swept through Mexico two years earlier ended in the defeat of the insurgents and the death of their leader Miguel Hidalgo. In such adverse circumstances, a certain adolescent was returning home from his uncle's funeral. On the battlefield, he found a scared deaf-mute boy and decided to bring him to his father's home to take care of him. This noble resolution meant that over time he became more mature and responsible than ...
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Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 3 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 3 Death of Isabella Escalante

The night of patient care brought improvement, a small one, but still. The wound was no longer so badly inflamed and the fever clearly subsided. The man's temperature was still above normal, but his sleep was much calmer. Victoria and Isabella nurtured him in shifts, trying to get some sleep in the meantime. It was four in the morning when Isabella heard the quiet calls of soldiers in the pueblo. She looked out of the ...
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Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 2 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 2 Wounded man and compassion

Notes 1. I have no idea how Victoria's mother was a name and don't remember if it is in other fanfiction story. So in this story she was Isabella. 2. Thanks a lot for my beta readers mjf2468 and KariTBB. Victoria, as with every day, helped her mother in the kitchen. Despite her fifteen years, she knew all the family recipes and cooking secrets. She knew them so well in fact that her mother could ...
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zorro el zorro net


Thanks to Arianka for inspiration and translating and to lbindner for beta reading. Part one For the first time Zorro gets to know the taste of the death's kiss in the Perdido canyon. She reaches for him with a stray bullet that wounds Toronado, so the stallion throws his rider right into the precipice. And when he lies there among the rocks, he confuses the coldness of the stones with the hands' touch and he ...
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Zorro fiction - Kissing Zorro... or someone else (Valentine’s Day Challenge)

Kissing Zorro… or someone else (Valentine’s Day Challenge) Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Valentine's Day Party In the evening of the day that celebrates the patron of love, the entire tavern was beautifully decorated with tables lined up against the walls and packed with food and wine. Guests from all over the area had a great time, interweaving various games with music and dancing. Even Padre Benitez tied his robe higher and danced with older señoras. Valentine's Day was special. Very often young men from ...
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Zorro fiction - Kissing Zorro... or someone else (Valentine’s Day Challenge)

Kissing Zorro… or someone else (Valentine’s Day Challenge) Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Doubts and break up with Zorro Author notes: this chapter includes some scenes and dialogues from the show’s episode Like Father, Like Son written by Tim Minear. xxx Zorro xxx was always the stage for strange adventures. One day, Victoria was preparing the tavern for siesta. Her last two patrons were finishing dinner. One of them exclaimed, "My pretty señorita, give us some more wine!" "In the first place, señor, ...
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Zorro fiction - Kissing Zorro... or someone else (Valentine’s Day Challenge)

Kissing Zorro… or someone else (Valentine’s Day Challenge) Chapter 1

Summary: Victoria has kissed Zorro many times in the last few months ... but it wasn't always Diego. What if she finally kisses Diego, recognize Zorro and still doesn’t know his identity? There is Valentine’s Day Challenge bringing you the following elements: Acceptable genres: Romance; Romance/Adventure; Romance/Humor; Romance/ Suspense. Victoria cooks (more than once) Don bumps his head (it is mentioned, and we see results of it); runs interference (more than once); The ...
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Zorro fiction - Hot spring (New Year Eve challenge)

Hot spring (New Year Eve challenge)

New Year Eve challenge requires: Word count should not exceed 4000 words; Someone must find out Zorro's identity in an unexpected way Zorro must free someone from prison The must get drunk Mendoza must get a kiss The action of the story must take place on the New Year's Eve (obviously) Finally, because this year was as it was, and I feel we all need some optimism, the stories must have a HEA and ...
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  • kasiaeliza

    Mama dwójki Zorrątek. Trenuję jujitsu japońskie i kiedyś miałam krótką przygodę z kendo. Lubię RPGi, planszówki, geografię, historię, piłkę nożną i książki. Nie wróć, książki to kocham. 🙂 ----------------------------------- Mother of two Zorro cubs. I train Japanese jujitsu and once had a short adventure with kendo. I like RPGs, board games, geography, history, soccer and books. Wait, come back, I love books. 🙂

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