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Our adventure with Zorro dates back to deep childhood and Walt Disney series. Then came the next series and movies with a masked bandit. Finally, there was time for fanfiction and pragmatic play exploration of Spanish California from the early nineteenth century. After all, it was a time when promises made were holiness, person’s value had to be proved by hard work and loyalty, and chivalrousness towards the females was everyday life.

Therefore, we decided to organize the collected materials.

fanfiction zorro

Who is Zorro?

Zorro is a fictional character first appearing in Johnston McCulley’s series of stories The Curse of Capistrano. It appeared in 1919 in five parts in the pulp magazine All-Story Weekly, which later were published under the collective title The Mark of Zorro as a book. The creation of this hero was inspired by the stories of the Californian outlaw Joaquín Murrieta. Zorro puts himself in the role of defender of the people of California, especially around Los Angeles. This is happening at a time when this region was a Spanish colony. The population needs a protector because it is oppressed by local authorities – governors and military commanders. Thanks to his fox cunning, he outsmarts his enemies.

It is from this intelligent animal that the hero takes his nickname – in Spanish, Zorro means fox. In addition, he is a sword master, an excellent shooter, and a great rider. Its hallmark is the letter “z” – the sign of Zorro made with three quick strokes of the sword. He leaves it on the clothes of opponents or in the place where justice is brought. Despite the high reward for his capture, he remains elusive and often mocks the soldiers. Zorro is a masked hero and no one knows his identity except a trusted helper. He works often at night, which is why his suit is all black. It consists of a cape, a sombrero hat, and a mask that covers the whole face or part of it. If you want to know more about who is Zorro, visit the article.

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Jokes about Zorro memes

autor: Kasia "Phea" Disney Zorro - Killed the traitor captain in a duel and didn't even bat an eye, telepathically pushed Ortega off the roof and threw money at his corpse, shot the thug in a risky stand-off. New World Zorro - He got depressed because the bad guy impaled himself on his knife. author: Kasia "Phea" Pina: Gee, Monasterio, what do you want to do tonight? Monasterio: The same thing we do every night, ...
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Zorro at cons – StarFest 2022

The StarFest festival on 4th-6th November 2022 in Lublin, Poland was the last con Zorro Polish Fandom appeared at last year. We gave a short lecture, and also took part in fencing show and workshops. And we showed new T-shirt designs! The third time's the charm, or Zorro at StarFest 2022 "Zorro: History of the Legend", our short lecture, was delivered for the third time. And every time, a different team gives it. The StarFest ...
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Spanish terms of endearment

Spanish terms of endearment ❤️❤️❤️

A long time ago, a certain Pamela wrote a short story about Zorro. In it, she used a word, which not exists in original New World Zorro series, more specifically "querida". Other authors found it sounded great, so they started using it in their stories. However, there are more Spanish terms of endearment to express your feelings for the other person. Thanks for Marta Hidalgo for the language validation. ❤️ Spanish Terms of Endearment for ...
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News in the Zorro world:

zorro el zorro net

Zorro at cons – StarFest 2022

The StarFest festival on 4th-6th November 2022 in Lublin, Poland was the last con Zorro Polish Fandom appeared at last year. We gave a short lecture, and also took part in fencing show and workshops. And we showed new T-shirt designs! The third time's the charm, or Zorro at StarFest 2022 "Zorro: History of the Legend", our short lecture, was ...
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zorro przeciw wojnie

Protest przeciwko używaniu znaku Zorro (litery Z) w rosyjskiej propagandzie wojennej

Zorro jest postacią, która bezinteresownie i z narażeniem własnego bezpieczeństwa i życia sprzeciwiała się tyranii narzuconej przez skorumpowane władze oraz broniła słabych i pokrzywdzonych. Jego znak, litera “Z” dawała nadzieję na sprawiedliwość peonom, prostym vaqueros i szlachcie. Mimo że Zorro to postać fikcyjna, jednak istnieje w masowej świadomości. Tak jak 100 lat temu, również współcześnie jest wzorem ideałów, ...
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The Promise of Zorro by Heather Victoria Anderson

The Promise of Zorro by Heather Victoria Anderson – book for kids

A children's adventure! Don Diego de la Vega, son of a wealthy landowner and rancher, is frustrated by injustice and oppression. But at the age of nine, those terrible ideas take the form of an unforgiving bully and the ease with which he escapes punishment. Indeed, Diego and his friend are scolded or punished for Esteban’s misbehavior. Then ...
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Fanfiction Zorro:

Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 1 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 1 Echos of revolution

The storm that swept through Mexico two years earlier ended in the defeat of the insurgents and the death of their leader Miguel Hidalgo. In such adverse circumstances, a certain adolescent was returning home from his uncle's funeral. On the battlefield, he found a scared deaf-mute boy and decided to bring him to his father's home to take care of ...
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Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 3 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 3 Death of Isabella Escalante

The night of patient care brought improvement, a small one, but still. The wound was no longer so badly inflamed and the fever clearly subsided. The man's temperature was still above normal, but his sleep was much calmer. and Isabella nurtured him in shifts, trying to get some sleep in the meantime. It was four in the morning when ...
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Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 2 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 2 Wounded man and compassion

Notes 1. I have no idea how 's mother was a name and don't remember if it is in other fanfiction story. So in this story she was Isabella. 2. Thanks a lot for my beta readers mjf2468 and KariTBB. Victoria, as with every day, helped her mother in the kitchen. Despite her fifteen years, she knew all the family ...
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Spanish culture and customs:

Spanish terms of endearment

Spanish terms of endearment ❤️❤️❤️

A long time ago, a certain Pamela wrote a short story about Zorro. In it, she used a word, which not exists in original New World Zorro series, more specifically "querida". Other authors found it sounded great, so they started using it in their stories. However, there are more Spanish terms of endearment to express your feelings for the other ...
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Spanish-English dictionary Zorro

Spanish-English dictionary

The Spanish-English dictionary can be useful because, regardless of the language in which the authors of fanfics write their stories, they often use original Spanish inserts. They have appeared in the Zorro fandom from the beginning, from the very first Johnston McCulley stories. That is why we present the most popular ones: Spanish-English dictionary Zorro A-C abuela —grandmother abuelo — ...
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California and 19th century history, military, fencing and equestrian:

NWZ timeline with historical notes by Cris Martin

NWZ timeline with historical notes – part II – 1811-1818

Legend: Blue – Canon/ Canon-deduced Green – Deduced/calculated based on canon-given information Red – Historical events/ notes NB: Most dates are approximated. When multiple dates are possible/ no clue about the exact month of an episode was given, the month will be put between parenthesis. If you find information in the series that I did not take into account or ...
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Colonization and main settlements in XIX century California ENG

Colonization and main settlements in XIX century California

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Science and technology:

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Walt Disney Zorro:

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Showing his sword

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New World Zorro:

Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 1 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 1 Echos of revolution

The storm that swept through Mexico two years earlier ended in the defeat of the insurgents and the death of their leader Miguel Hidalgo. In such adverse circumstances, a certain adolescent was returning home from his uncle's funeral. On the battlefield, he found a scared deaf-mute boy and decided to bring him to his father's home to take care of ...
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Diego's promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 3 Zorro fanfiction

Diego’s promise to Alfonso Escalante – chapter 3 Death of Isabella Escalante

The night of patient care brought improvement, a small one, but still. The wound was no longer so badly inflamed and the fever clearly subsided. The man's temperature was still above normal, but his sleep was much calmer. and Isabella nurtured him in shifts, trying to get some sleep in the meantime. It was four in the morning when ...
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Zorro the Chronicles:

Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 The mine

Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 The mine

We present Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 The Mine - plot summary, our subjective review, the episode itself and the list of creators. Don't forget about the next episode! You'll find a link to it at the bottom of the page. Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 plot summary Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 "The Mine" begins quite innocently. The inhabitants ...
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Mask of Zorro and Legend of Zorro:

Books about Zorro, comics and games:

The Promise of Zorro by Heather Victoria Anderson

The Promise of Zorro by Heather Victoria Anderson – book for kids

A children's adventure! Don Diego de la Vega, son of a wealthy landowner and rancher, is frustrated by injustice and oppression. But at the age of nine, those terrible ideas take the form of an unforgiving bully and the ease with which he escapes punishment. Indeed, Diego and his friend are scolded or punished for Esteban’s misbehavior. Then ...
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Zorro's Exploits by different authors Zorro stories

Zorro’s Exploits – collection of stories

17 new adventures featuring the Curse of Capistrano! In the early 1800s, California was still under Spanish rule. Some of the military commanders plundered and won riches at the expense of the peace-loving settlers. Against these agents of injustice the settlers were powerless, until one man arose whose courage stirred the hearts of Californians. He alone gave them the spirit ...
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Zorro’s Pacific Odyssey by Susan Kite

Zorro’s Pacific Odyssey, an original trilogy, takes “The Fox” from the California deserts, across the unforgiving Pacific, to strange challenges in an unfamiliar land! Book 1 Zorro and the Outward Journey Terror stalks Spanish California, ruthless and relentless … A landowner’s daughter is kidnapped and believed dead. Undaunted, Don Diego de la Vega wears Zorro’s midnight black garb, and goes ...
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Creators of Zorro and easter eggs:

Douglas Fairbanks and Marguerite De La Motte in The Iron Mask (1929)

Marguerite De La Motte

Marguerite De La Motte was an American silent film star. Biography In her youth, Marguerite De La Motte took dance and ballet lessons from the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova and graduated from the Egan Art School. At the age of 17, she began performing regularly as a dancer. Douglas Fairbanks spotted her at the Sid Grauman's Million Dollar Theatre in ...
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Zorro movies:

Douglas Fairbanks and Marguerite De La Motte in The Iron Mask (1929)

Marguerite De La Motte

Marguerite De La Motte was an American silent film star. Biography In her youth, Marguerite De La Motte took dance and ballet lessons from the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova and graduated from the Egan Art School. At the age of 17, she began performing regularly as a dancer. Douglas Fairbanks spotted her at the Sid Grauman's Million Dollar Theatre in ...
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Zorro cartoons:

Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 The mine

Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 The mine

We present Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 The Mine - plot summary, our subjective review, the episode itself and the list of creators. Don't forget about the next episode! You'll find a link to it at the bottom of the page. Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 plot summary Zorro the Chronicles episode 2 "The Mine" begins quite innocently. The inhabitants ...
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El Zorro, la espada y la rosa:

El Zorro net is:

1. 514 articles about Zorro and his universe and 172 articles in preparation, grouped in 40 categories, including 1,398,877 words in 3 languages.

2. polls and events

  • 69 Events
  • 22 All Polls

3. group of fans and authors:

  • 3 Administrators
  • 8 Authors

If you want to join our team, write to

Page last updated 20 January 2023 @ 19:34.


  • kasiaeliza

    Mama dwójki Zorrątek. Trenuję jujitsu japońskie i kiedyś miałam krótką przygodę z kendo. Lubię RPGi, planszówki, geografię, historię, piłkę nożną i książki. Nie wróć, książki to kocham. 🙂 ----------------------------------- Mother of two Zorro cubs. I train Japanese jujitsu and once had a short adventure with kendo. I like RPGs, board games, geography, history, soccer and books. Wait, come back, I love books. 🙂

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